Your college years will be some of the most challenging and fun times of your life. For many people, it is the last time in their life that they can genuinely focus on school and having fun without many of the pressures that come later in life. That said, students and college kids often make mistakes which can result in severe consequences.
If you get arrested and attend college, you need to be aware that aside from the potential criminal consequences of the charge, there may be several collateral consequences as well. For instance, your institution may place you on academic probation or even expel you due to your charge.
Additionally, if you are not a citizen and are going to school on a student visa, a charge may cause your permission to be revoked, and you might get deported from the U.S.
However, a mistake can happen to anyone and you should not assume that your life is over.
Common Charges Among Students
If you have questions about the impact an arrest will have on your academic career, contact Chris Kaigle today!
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